AWS launches Australia's first local zone
Amazon Web Services has officially opened its local zone in Perth, Australia which becomes the first of its kind in the country and the Oceanic region. The local zone will help AWS users in Australia and surrounding regions deploy their applications close to their end users which will significantly boost the speed of their services.

Moreover, the local zone will help customers, especially in highly regulated industries like healthcare that are obligated to keep data within a specific geographic territory use AWS without risking non-compliance.
“We are pleased to deepen our investments in Western Australia by bringing the first Australian AWS local zones location to Perth. Speed matters in business, and we’ve designed AWS local zones to deliver low-latency capabilities for organisations to improve the performance of their digital applications, process large amounts of data faster, and drive productivity gains,” said Sarah Bassett, head of Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland Enterprise at AWS Australia.
In the past, companies have had to rely on on-premise setups or data centres run by other companies.
The AWS local zone will save companies time and effort since they don’t have to procure, operate, or maintain infrastructure in various cities to meet their computing demands. Plans are underway to launch another local zone in Brisbane, on Australia’s east coast, as well as in Auckland, in New Zealand by 2024.
AWS has also announced plans to build local zones in 21 other locations across the world. Proposed sites include Bengaluru and Chennai in India, Hanoi in Vietnam, and Manila in the Philippines. Currently the computing giants have 29 local zones in different locations around the world.
Stephen Dawson, Western Australian minister for innovation and the digital economy is excited about the new local zone and can’t wait to see the new opportunities it brings.
“An AWS local zones location in Perth opens up more opportunities for Western Australian businesses to innovate and develop new services enabling better experiences for their customers and our citizens,” he said.