Three UK airports to receive Googles AI-based security features
A partnership with Google AI has brought three new airports under the artificial intelligence (AI) package tracker in the UK. They will be used along with the Xray’s of these airports to improve the visibility of the carriage.

Glasgow, Aberdeen and Southampton are the first three of the bunch to work with Google in bringing AI-based security features to their airports. The goal is to make scanning airport packages seamless for passengers and authorities. Spotting suspicious packing quickly and a notification system to security essentials has been considered.
Pangiam’s ‘Project Dartmouth’ is partnered with Google Cloud to bring out transformation in aviation security screening. According to Pangiam, they use ‘state of the art AI algorithms’ to automate baggage screening.
Pre reports said ‘the technology will primarily improve experiences’ of airport staff, government and passengers. Pangiam is developing methods to fully utilise Google Cloud on top of state-of-the-art AI for fully immersive expertise. Pangiam is an intelligent authentication provider, and its entry into airport security systems is quite promising.
Without misleading travellers and authorities checking for suspiciously carried objects, the AI can determine if further measures are required. Sometimes it may be one thing, and the scanner picks up as something dangerous. At that time, it calls for extra steps. AI will help in those cases though airports are not eliminating human inspection.
AGS Airport Ltd owns Aberdeen, Southampton and Glasgow airports. The joint venture by Pangiam, Google Cloud, and AI to help in airport security protocol will include machine learning (ML) and the Vertex AI platform.
AGS Airports COO Mark Johnston talked about the giant venture taken by ‘Google Cloud & Pangiam’ along with the ‘safety of passengers and colleagues.’ For the revolutionary project in the aviation industry, the largest airport groups in the UK are experimenting with new ways of security. Developing, adapting and testing security measures in such a busy workplace will surely bring in suitable measures as time is also of the essence.
Johnson talked about the ever-changing world where ‘new threats are constantly emerging and evolving.’ And the precaution taken will act as another leading implementation similar to the early adoption of tech in Europe.
Project Pangiam works with AI to the EDGE computing using Google Cloud’s AI and ML at the frontline. Of course, AI is distinctive, and ML requires tons of data. Cloud trained AI models to help feed the data hunger for Pangiam integration.
According to Pangiam, their technologies are ‘future-proof’ and is designed to use ‘specialised algorithm to analyse data.’
ADT (Aggregated Threat Detection) has been under development for years as the necessity for coordinated threats is spread across ‘bags, lanes and checkpoints.
API based approach is not a new feature, but implementing it on government level physical security in the aviation industry is undoubtedly a bold move. Luggage’s and bags are scanned under AI and ML technology; even the sound of that is fascinating. It shows us how far we have come and where our priorities are today.
Google Cloud ecosystem is made to increase the value of assets, and tech is prioritised to help in our initiatives. Prebuilt data sets with commercial, public, and Google solutions helps manage the pipeline.
It is essential to mention that facial recognition will not be used under AI and ML technology for security. Pangiam-Google’s Dartmouth project is many things but explicitly recognizing passengers faces.
Though it would not be a tough call to go for facial recognition under the same contract, upgrading airport-wide cameras and security systems to meet training methods is necessary. So, starting with simple steps, the Pangiam and Google Cloud integration will occur. Later down the line, we may find newer products adjusted for real-life scenarios in airport security.