Top 5 Cloud Certification Programs of 2021
Cloud computing is now one of the major integrations for the IT sector. With expanding cloud service implantations, opportunities in the IT sector regarding the cloud increased too. Many IT and service professionals recommend online courses to learn cloud computing that follows today’s standards.

Since traditional education is a little behind to teach cloud computing, online courses are the main up to date sources at the moment. Tech News Pro handpicked the top 5 cloud certification programs of 2021.

With almost 150k students enrolled and an average rating of 4.7 by 23,164 students, it is one of the best cloud certification programs on the web. A student interested in learning the cloud framework and equipment from behind the scene can benefit from it heavily.
The program doesn’t require any previous experience to start with. But if you’re familiar with the cloud, it certainly is a huge plus. The practitioner has a CLF-C01 exam course and students will learn with interaction and great guidance.
Amazon is not only on the elite list of cloud service providers, they provide the best learning materials too. AWS Certified Solutions Architect offers service design and deploys operation tactics. Alongside scaling, cost-controlling strategies. CLI, APIs, scripting, integration, and deployment is also a core fundamental of this certification program.
Sponsored by Commonwealth of Learning, Canada, cloud architecture with google cloud is a course from Coursera. It was ranked one of the best IT courses in 2019 with over 490K students enrolled. The course has an average rating of 4.7, submitted by 44,532 students. Real case studies, improving job skills, learning system application services are taught in a manner that is usable in real-life engineering.
Google is not shy to share its resources with the public. This benefits us a ton. Real and updated research data, source materials, and industry veterans teach students ways to be efficient on the cloud. Cloud engineering with google cloud gives professional certification that can be used in jobs. The course has 480K students and is suited towards the intermediate level of learning.
Azure is Microsoft’s version of cloud computing. Microsoft Azure is a global leader of cloud computing accompanying industries to solve their IT problems for a long time. Azure services have expert veterans behind the scene. The Course is engineered towards all the compartments behind cloud computing. From networking to the hardware sector and services, the course is designed for learners of all levels. Even an expert can pick up a few things that Azure does in their latest venture.